LOVE thr pathway is
Of God’s Messenger;
Love our mother was,
We the sons she bare.
Mother chaste and pure,
Veiled in us thou art,
Hidden evermore
From our faithless heart.
Èshq-ást tarîq -ô- râh-e peyghambar-e mâ,
Mâ zâdeh-e èshq -ô- èshq shûd mâdar-e mâ.
Èy mâdar-e mâ nahûfteh dar châdur-è mâ,
Penhân shûdeh áz tabî’at-e kâfèr-e mâ.
Èshq = Love
Ást = Is
Tarîq = Path, manner, way
Ô = also can be written “va” means and.
Râh = Path, way
Peyghambar = Messenger
Mâ = Us
Zâdeh = Born,
Shûd = Become
Mâdar = Mother
Èy = O’thou! lo
Nahûfteh = Hidden, concealed
Dar = In, within
Châdûr = Veil
Penhân = Hidden
Áz = From, of
Tabî’at = Nature, inside,
Kâfèr = Infidel, faithless
by Eliza Tashibi