Time bringeth swift to end
The rout men keep;
Death’s wolf is nigh to rend
These silly sheep.
See, how in pride they go
With lifted head,
Tell Fate with a sudden blow
Smiteth them dead.
Kôtâh kûnad zamâneh în damdameh râ,
Va-z-ham be-darad ghûrgh-è fanâ în rameh râ.
Andar sar-è har kasî qhûrûr-îst valî,
Sîlîy-è ajal qafâ zanad în-hameh râ.
Kôtâh kûnad = To bring to end
zamâneh = Time
în = This
damdameh = Rout, clamour
râ = Persian suffixed to a noun or pronoun as a sign of the definite direct object.
Va-z-ham = From each other
be-darad = To tear, to rip, to devour
ghûrgh = Wolf
fanâ = Death, destruction
rameh = Herd, flock
Andar sar-è har kasî = Within everyone’s mind or head …
qhûrûr-îst = Pride, together meant There is a pride.
valî = But
Sîlîy = Slap
ajal = Fate
qafâ = Nape of the neck
zanad = To hit, to beat, to strike
în-hameh = All of them
by Eliza Tashibi